Besides beautiful beaches and vibrant cities, Australia is also known worldwide for its unique and spectacular wildlife. But did you know that more than 80% of the plants, mammals and reptiles are unique to Australia, which means they can’t be found anywhere else in the world?

Here is a list of the top ten animals in Australia that you must see during your Australian road trip with a Travellers Autobarn campervan.

1. Whale Sharks

Experience the thrill of a lifetime by swimming with the massive whale sharks on Western Australia’s Coral Coast. The best time of the year to do this is between March and July at the Ningaloo Marine Park, where you will be able to snorkel with the whale sharks.

These breathtaking creatures are often as long as eighteen metres, but you’ll be happy to know that they are completely harmless to humans.

Swim with whale sharks in WA

2. Great White Sharks

If you are looking for more teeth on your shark, visit Port Lincoln in South Australia to go cage diving with Great White Sharks. There, you will spend the day at the sea and find yourself face to face with the iconic beast of the sea.

Did you know that the lifespan of a Great White Shark is estimated to be 70 years, and some have been recorded to be as large as 6 meters long!

Great White Shark Diving Port Lincoln

3. Crocodiles

There are crocodiles all over Australia, especially in Darwin, but if you are looking for a more intimate encounter, visit the Crocosaurus Cove in Darwin to share fifteen minutes with a giant crocodile while being underwater in the “Cage of Death!”

Salt Water Crocodile Darwin

4. The Dingo

The Dingo is Australia’s largest Carnivorous mammal and can be found throughout Australia, except in Tasmania. The Dingo is Australia’s wild dog and the best places to see them is on Queensland’s Fraser Island, Western Australia’s Kimberley, and across the deserts of the Northern Territory and South Australia.

Dingo Fraser Island

5. The Tasmanian Devil

Besides in wildlife parks, the famously elusive and erratic Tasmanian devil can only be found in the wild in Tasmania. Interestingly enough, early European settlers called the marsupial “The Devil” due to its spine-chilling screeches, black colour, and reputed bad temper.

Tasmanian Devil

6. Kangaroos

The Kangaroo is Australia’s most iconic animal to see, along with Koalas. Luckily for you, kangaroos and wallabies can easily be found in the wild in most rural parts of Australia. With more than fifty different native species of Kangaroos and wallabies in Australia, it’s worth it to visit a wildlife park to get to know them.

Kangaroo Lucky Bay Australia

7. Koalas

Koalas are just adorable, and their fur is actually as soft as you would imagine. Most wildlife parks in Australia will allow you to pet them and some will even let you hold them. But if you would prefer to see this cute creature in its natural habitat, then they can be spotted all the way along Australia’s temperate eastern coast.

Koala Australia

8. The Wombat

Native to Australia, wombats are stout and burrowing animals that can be difficult to spot in the wild because they have the ability to head underground by digging extensive burrow systems with their front teeth and powerful claws.

The best places to see wild wombats are at the Blue Mountains National Park in NSW, or the Wilsons Promontory in Victoria.

Wombat Australia

9. The Platypus

The Platypus is part of the family of the monotremes animal group that can only be found in Australia.

The Platypus famously looks like it came straight out of a children’s book with a bill like a duck, a furry waterproof body, and webbed feet. They are difficult to see since they live in burrows they dig into the banks of rivers, but your best chances are by quiet rivers of the eastern coastal areas.

Platypus Australian Animals

10. Birds

The collection of birds that can be found in Australia is astonishing and unique. In fact, about 400 of the 800 bird species listed cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Grab your camera and explore areas where you could encounter tiny honeyeaters, penguins, kookaburras or the large flightless emu.

Australian Birds - Rainbow Lorikeet

Are you ready to explore the Australian wildlife and its incredible collection of wild animals? Book your campervan online with Travellers Autobarn today!

We’ve got many more Family Travel Tips to read and inspire you on your next adventure, come and explore.

About the Author

Bastian Graf

Bastian is the Sales & Marketing Manager here at Travellers Autobarn. He holds a Master of Commerce in Marketing and International Business Management, and 20+ years experience in campervan hire, road trips and travel.

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