Have you ever considered just packing up your life and heading somewhere new? A growing number of individuals are taking the plunge. Tired of earning enough money just to afford never-ending stuff, they’re switching to the simple life. Quitting that job, buying a van and hitting the road for a long-term adventure around Australia is the perfect escape.

But why is the ‘van life’ movement becoming so popular, and what are the benefits of this lifestyle, as opposed to a short holiday? Here are our reasons why it might be time for you to buy your first home-on-wheels and start chasing freedom.


No limits or restrictions

The aspect that probably attracts most to the idea of purchasing their own van is the freedom it attains. Aside from the liberty of breaking the chains to that nine to five office job, buying a van means you can travel wherever you want, whenever you want.

There’s no end date to your holiday, no return ticket home or cemented itinerary. It’s just you, your van, the open road, and the company of yourself or loved ones. Home can be wherever you park it, and there are no restraints on the road you choose. If you’re opting for a trip that will last months – or even years – on end, purchasing a van is the choice for you.


Gone are the days where living in a van was just for unconventional hippies, and travelling was just for the elite. Today, many are choosing to cover vast ground and see what every inch of Australia has to offer, all in an inexpensive yet fulfilling way.

While some are busy striving to afford the next soon-to-be redundant item, others are content with exploring and learning in the world that we exist. Forget the pricey plane tickets, accommodation, and restaurants – a van wraps up all those travel needs in a nice little frame. And the best part is whatever your budget looks like, there’s a van out there to meet your needs.

Cairns Road Trip

A van to suit your lifestyle

The flexibility of owning your own van means you can personalise it however you like. Think of it as buying your first home, as opposed to renting (without the ridiculous Australian price tags!). Suddenly you’re able to modify it whenever and however you like, meaning it will feel homelier than ever, even when you are hundreds of kilometres away from the house that you left.

Just like the price of your van, there’s a size and level of luxury to suit individual needs. Whether you’re a solo traveller, a couple, or a family, there are vans of all shapes and sizes. Regardless of this, you’ll be sure to feel closer than ever to yourself or your companions when sharing your humble abode.

Perth to Darwin road trip

Resale of your van

So, when your heart is full and your journey is over, some may decide it’s time to part ways with their beloved home-on-wheels. The plus side of travelling by van is that you can always choose to kiss goodbye to your trusty vehicle and sell it to its next loving owners.  This means even greater affordability of your holiday and bang for your buck.

Vans often hold a good resale value when kept in good nick, so it’s like you’re getting money back from your awesome expedition. Travellers Autobarn offers a Guaranteed Buyback on all sales vehicles. So, whether you’re on a gap year, working holiday visa or simply want to chill out on your tour of Australia, we take the hassle out of reselling your ride.

Nullabor Road

So are you, like many others, ready to buy your first van and answer to the open roads calling your name…?

We’ve got many more Buying and Selling Campervan and Car articles for you, come and explore.

About the Author

Bastian Graf

Bastian is the Sales & Marketing Manager here at Travellers Autobarn. He holds a Master of Commerce in Marketing and International Business Management, and 20+ years experience in campervan hire, road trips and travel.

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